Physical Health Services

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About the Smiley Rating
  1. Service rating: There is evidence that the site might work. More conclusive studies are needed.

    Nokia Wellness Diary (Beta)

    Service screenshot

    Platform: Other

    The Nokia Wellness Diary (Beta) is a mobile application for self-monitoring your health and wellness. (English)

  2. Service rating: There is no evidence at the moment.

    Brainy App

    Service screenshot

    Platforms: Android and Apple

    The Brainy App aims to raise awareness of the risk factors for Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia by providing information and activities to improve brain health. (English)

  3. Service rating: There is no evidence at the moment.

    SMSmame (text4baby Russia)

    Service screenshot

    Platform: Other

    SMSmame is a text-message based intervention designed to improve the health of pregnant women and newborn babies in Russia. (Russian)

  4. Service rating: There is no evidence at the moment.


    Service screenshot

    Platform: Other

    text4baby is a mobile phone intervention available for free to pregnant women and new mothers in the USA. (English and Spanish)

  5. Service rating: There is no evidence at the moment.

    Concussion Recognition & Response (CRR)

    Service screenshot

    Platforms: Android and Apple

    The Concussion Recognition & Response mobile app is a tool for sport coaches and parents to help identify if an individual has suffered a concussion. (English)