Panic disorder Services
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About the Smiley RatingThis Way Up - Panic Disorder Course
The This Way Up Panic Course is an online cognitive behavioural treatment (CBT) program for panic disorder with or without agoraphobia. (English)
FearFighter (UK)
The FearFighter program uses self-exposure to address anxiety, panic and phobia and is a practice-based self-help treatment system which encourages you to identify your specific problems and develop treatment goals. (English)
This Way Up - Mixed Depression and Anxiety Course
The course is designed to treat the symptoms of both anxiety and depression and is based on the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). (English)
Interapy - Panic (Netherlands)
Interapy provides therapist-assisted cognitive behavioural (CBT) treatment of panic symptoms. The treatment is based on common CBT strategies for panic disorder, such as psychoeducation, awareness training, applied relaxation, cognitive restructuring and exposure techniques. (Dutch)
Mental Health Online (formerly Anxiety Online) - Panic Stop!
The Mental Health Online program provides information, assessment and treatment for a range of anxiety disorders. (English)
Panic Center (Canada)
Panic Center is an interactive website which aims to enhance communication between people suffering panic disorder and health care professionals. (English)
Livanda: CBT for Anxiety and Concern (Sweden)
The Livanda program for Anxiety and Concern contains 8 modules based on CBT. Each section contains an introduction to the content of the module and how it relates to anxiety, homework tasks, an indicator of your progress, and assistance with remaining motivated. (Swedish)
InternetPsykiatri for Panic (Sweden)
The InternetPsykiatri program for Panic Disorder includes 10 modules completed over 10 to 12 weeks and is designed to help you understand and alleviate symptoms of panic and associated fear and avoidance using the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). (Swedish)