OnTrack Families and Friends


OnTrack Families and Friends is designed to help people who are supporting someone with a mental illness. The program aims to help you work out how to help the person you are caring for, as well as look after yourself. The program asks you to think about different ways of looking at things and ways to work through problems you might be facing. It offers you practical things you can try and asks you to set goals for the future. The program includes the following components:
• A step-by-step guide through the program
• A diary to spot early signs for the person you are caring for and to track your own mood and events
• Graphs that show how your mood has been over time
• Interactive tools to help you adapt the program to your own situations
• Summary pages of things you have done in the program
You can access the site as often as you want and work through the program at your own pace. You can come back to the program and work through the activities as many times as you like. It is intended that videos of carer stories will be available on the site in the coming months.

Service URL:
Agency Responsible:
Queensland University of Technology.


Intervention Types:
Educational (primarily educational material or psychoeducation) and Psychological – CBT.
Course Length:
Long (more than 5 modules).
Support Option:
Automated only.

Target Audience

Primary Category:
Target Audience:


Open: With registration.
Contact Details:


Research evidence

Research Trials:
Research RCTs:
Outcome Summary:

No research evidence on the efficacy of the OnTrack Families and Friends program is currently available.

Recommended rating, reviewer 1:

There is no evidence at the moment.
Recommended rating, reviewer 2:

There is no evidence at the moment.

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Research paper citations


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Last Updated: August 18th 2011