WebEase (Web Epilepsy, Awareness, Support and Education)
- Description:
WebEase is a self-management program designed for adults with epilepsy, including three interactive modules together with a ‘MyLog' personal journal. Initially you enter information about your seizures, medication, stress and sleep into ‘MyLog' - and you can then record daily information here each time you enter the program. You can work through each of the modules (medication taking, stress and sleep management) - and revisit each module multiple times, if you choose. The content of the modules is tailored to your needs and includes information, audio/video testimonials, assessments and feedback. You are encouraged to set goals and track your seizures, medication, stress and sleep. Links to additional resources and Epilepsy Foundation eCommunities are also provided.
- Service URL:
- https://www.webease.org/
- Agency Responsible:
- Emory University, Atlanta, USA.
- Format:
- Website.
- Intervention Type:
- Psychological – CBT. Motivational Interviewing and Educational
- Course Length:
- Moderate (2-5 modules). 3 modules (medication management, stress management and sleep management)
- Support Option:
- Automated only. Personalised feedback. Peer support is also available via access to a discussion board.
Target Audience
- Primary Category:
- Epilepsy.
- Target Audience:
- Adult.
- Language:
- English.
- Fee:
- Free.
- Access:
- Open: With registration.
- Contact Details:
Research evidence
- Research Trials:
- 2
- Research RCTs:
- 1
- Outcome Summary:
WebEase's effectiveness has been examined in two studies to date: a randomised controlled study (RCT) and an initial pilot study. In the RCT participants were randomly assigned to either an intervention group in which they were asked to use WebEase for 6 weeks or a wait-list control group. Participants were assessed at baseline, after 6 weeks and after 12 weeks. Participants in the intervention group reported significantly higher scores on medication adherence after a period of 12 weeks than those in the control group. However no significant differences between the groups were found for perceived stress, epilepsy stress and sleep quality. After a delay participants in the control group could also access the intervention - and further analysis compared participant outcomes among those from both groups who completed a WebEase module with those participants who did not complete a module. This analysis indicated that participants who completed a WebEase module displayed a significant increase in self-efficacy compared to participants who did not complete a module.
Additionally, the initial pilot study found that following access to the intervention, participants displayed significant improvements on certain measures, including: epilepsy self-management, one measure of adherence, sleep quality, self-efficacy and social support. Therefore, there is some evidence in support of the WebEase intervention as an effective self-management tool.
- Recommended rating, reviewer 1:
- Recommended rating, reviewer 2:
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Research paper citations
Evaluation evidence studies:
DiIorio, C., Escoffery, C., McCarty, F., Yeager, K.A., Henry, T.R., Koganti, A., Reisinger, E.L. and Wexler, B. (2011) Evaluation of WebEase: an epilepsy self-management Web site. Health Education Research, 24(2): 185-197.
DiIorio, C., Bamps, Y., Reisinger Walker, E., Escoffery, C. (2011) Results of a research study evaluating WebEase, an online epilepsy self-management program. Epilepsy and Behaviour, 22: 469-474.
Additional references:
DiIorio, C., Escoffery, C., Yeager, K.A., McCarty, F., Henry, T.R., Koganti, A., Reisinger, E.L. Robinson, E., Kobau, R, Price, P. (2009) WebEase: Development of a Web-Based Epilepsy Self-Management Intervention. Preventing Chronic Disease, 6(1): A28
Reisinger Walker, E., Bamps, Y., Burdett, A., Rothkopf, J., DiIorio, C. (2012) Social Support for self-management behaviors among people with epilepsy: A content analysis of WebEase program. Epilepsy and Behavior, 23: 285-290.
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Last Updated: December 10th 2012