- Description:
I-DECIDE is a free online program developed by a team of psychologists and researchers at the University of Melbourne to help Australian women who experience fear of a current or ex-partner. The program provides three modules including healthy relationship, safety, and priorities. I-DECIDE uses tailored responses, motivational interviewing and nondirective problem solving tools to help women develop an action plan that meets their needs.
- Service URL:
- http://www.idecide.org.au/
- Agency Responsible:
- The University of Melbourne.
- Format:
- Website.
- Intervention Type:
- Psychological - Problem solving. and motivational interviewing
- Course Length:
- Moderate (2-5 modules).
- Support Option:
- No support.
Target Audience
- Primary Category:
- Relationship issues. Domestic violence
- Target Audience:
- Adult.
- Language:
- English.
- Fee:
- Free.
- Access:
- Open: With registration.
- Contact Details:
Research evidence
- Research Trials:
- 0
- Research RCTs:
- 0
- Outcome Summary:
There is an on-going RCT of the I-DECIDE program, which evaluates the influence of the program on self-efficacy, depression symptoms, behaviour change, fear of partners, and cost-effectiveness. However, no outcomes have been reported in peer-reviewed journals yet.
- Recommended rating, reviewer 1:
- Recommended rating, reviewer 2:
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Research paper citations
Hegarty, K., Tarzia, L., Murray, E., Valpied, J., Humphreys, C., Taft, A., ... & Glass, N. (2015). Protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a web-based healthy relationship tool and safety decision aid for women experiencing domestic violence (I-DECIDE). BMC public health, 15(1), 736.
Tarzia, L., Murray, E., Humphreys, C., Glass, N., Taft, A., Valpied, J., & Hegarty, K. (2016). I-DECIDE: an online intervention drawing on the psychosocial readiness model for women experiencing domestic violence. Women's health issues, 26(2), 208-216.
Tarzia, L., May, C., & Hegarty, K. (2016). Assessing the feasibility of a web-based domestic violence intervention using chronic disease frameworks: reducing the burden of ‘treatment’and promoting capacity for action in women abused by a partner. BMC women's health, 16(1), 73.
Tarzia, L., Iyer, D., Thrower, E., & Hegarty, K. (2017). “Technology Doesn’t Judge You”: Young Australian Women’s Views on Using the Internet and Smartphones to Address Intimate Partner Violence. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 35(3), 199-218.
Tarzia, L., Valpied, J., Koziol-McLain, J., Glass, N., & Hegarty, K. (2017). Methodological and ethical challenges in a web-based randomized controlled trial of a domestic violence intervention. Journal of medical internet research, 19(3)
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Last Updated: July 5th 2018