Grip Op Je Dip Online (Master your Mood Online)


Grip Op Je Dip Online (Master Your Mood Online) is a structured group course for depression administered through a chat room format.  The program is based on Lewinsohn's Coping with Depression course and includes 8 sessions.  These focus on understanding your mood, identifying and changing negative thoughts, enhancing participation in enjoyable activities, training in assertiveness and handling conflict, and planning to prevent relapse.  The chat room involves a number of participants with supervision from a mental health professional who directs discussion.  Prior to each session you are encouraged to complete homework so that you are familiar with each weekly topic and discussions are more helpful.  The site is not appropriate for you if you have severe depression, suicidal thoughts, self-mutilation, or are not motivated.

Service URL:
Agency Responsible:
Regional Institute for Mental Health Care.


Intervention Type:
Psychological – CBT.
Course Length:
Long (more than 5 modules). 8 sessions over 8 weeks
Support Option:
Clinical support.

Target Audience

Primary Category:
Target Audiences:
Adolescent and Young Adult. 16-25 year olds
Dutch. English and German versions are planned


Open: With registration.
Contact Details:

Research evidence

Research Trials:
Research RCTs:
Outcome Summary:

An initial non-experimental pilot study examined the utility of the Grip op Je Dip online program. The study tested adolescents with sub-clinical and mild depression. Participants who completed the program showed a significant reduction in depressive symptoms based on the CES-D scale (t=8.23, df = 48, p<.001) and reported that the program was satisfying and effective, particularly due to its anonymity and social support. In a subsequent trial a significant reduction in CES-D scores was identified in an adolescent sample who completed the program compared to pre-test measures (t=47.8, sd 12.7, p<.001). Moreover, in a recent randomised controlled study, 121 young people who completed the Grip op Je Dip Online intervention showed a significantly greater improvement in depressive symptoms at 3 months than the wait-list control group (with a large between-group effect size of 0.94). In fact, the intervention group also showed a significantly greater reduction in anxiety symptoms (with a medium between-group effect of 0.49). Further, this reduction in depressive and anxiety symptoms was maintained among the intervention group after 6 months. Therefore, evidence to date suggests Grip op Je Dip Online is an effective treatment for both depression and anxiety among adolescents and young adults.

Recommended rating, reviewer 1:

There is some evidence that the site works. One or two good studies support its use.
Recommended rating, reviewer 2:

There is some evidence that the site works. One or two good studies support its use.

Read more about Beacon's Smiley Rating System.

Research paper citations

van der Zanden, R., Kramer, J., Gerrits, R., Cuijpers, P. (2012) Effectiveness of an online group course for depression in adolescents and young adults: a randomized trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 14(3): e86.

Gerrits, R.S., van der Zanden, R.A.P., Visscher, R.F.M. & Conjin, B.P. (2007). Master your mood online: A preventive chat group intervention for adolescents. Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health, 6(3).

Gerrits, R.S. & van der Zanden, R.A.P. (2008). Gripopjedip online: Een CGT-preventiecursus in een chatbox. Tijdschrift voor kinder - en jeugd psychotherapie. (from correspondence with Rob Gerrits).


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Last Updated: August 14th 2012