COPE: Depression and Stress Treatment (UK)


COPE is a computer-aided self-help cognitive behaviour therapy program, including a videotape, 9 booklets and 11 (free) telephone calls. The website provides access through a login if you are eligible for access (currently only through a few Primary Care Trusts in the UK).  The videotape gives you information about symptoms of depression, self-help treatment options and COPE.  The booklets contain assessments designed to teach you to change negative thinking, be more assertive, plan enjoyable activities, and deal with problems such as grief.  The telephone calls use an interactive voice response (IVR) system.  The responses you give are matched to prerecorded voice files so that the information and questions asked of you during these calls is tailored to the responses you give.  The calls are accessible any time and you can ask questions of a Professional Psychologist whose response is then fed to you using the IVR in your next call.

Service URL:
Agency Responsible:
CCBt Ltd.


Intervention Type:
Psychological – CBT.
Course Length:
Long (more than 5 modules). Structured 12 week programing containing 9 modules
Support Option:
Clinical support. The site provides automated support with access to professional support on request.

Target Audience

Primary Category:
Target Audience:


Free. The site is free through a few Primary Care Trusts in the UK. You will need to contact them to check its accessibility.
Closed: Email administrator.
Contact Details:


Research evidence

Research Trials:
Research RCTs:
Outcome Summary:

COPE has been tested in open naturalistic trials.  In a survey of adults with mild to moderate depression in the US and UK, the program entailed significant improvements on depression scores.  Further, levels of work and social adjustment had improved, and participants themselves indicated that they felt their mood had improved.  COPE was also included in a second trial in conjunction with three other programs in a free London clinic for 15 months.  Scores on depression and work/social adjustment improved by an effect size exceeding 0.8, and patients indicated that they were satisfied with the system and believed it was less stigmatising.  While the program is promising, supporting evidence should be interpreted with care until controlled trials are conducted.

Recommended rating, reviewer 1:

There is evidence that the site might work. More conclusive studies are needed.
Recommended rating, reviewer 2:

There is evidence that the site might work. More conclusive studies are needed.

Read more about Beacon's Smiley Rating System.

Research paper citations

  1. Osgood-Hynes, D.J., Greist, J.H., Marks, I.M., Baer, L., Heneman, S.W., Wenzel, K.W., Manzo, P.A., Parkin, J.R., Spierings, C.J., Dottl, S.L. & Vitse, H.M. (1998). Self-administered psychotherapy for depression using a telephone-accessed computer system plus booklets: An open U.S.-U.K. study. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 59 (7), 358-365.
  2. Gega, L., Marks, I. & Mataix-Cols, D. (2004). Computer-aided CBT self-help for anxiety and depressive disorders: Experience of a London clinic and future directions. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 60 (2), 147-157.



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Last Updated: September 12th 2012