Living Life to the Full

- Description:
Living Life to the Full is a life skills course that provides key knowledge in how to develop skills to tackle feelings of low mood, stress and anxiety arising from work, relationships, and other aspects of our lives. The course is based on the notion of "helping people to help themselves". It provides easy access to CBT skills, allowing users to understand why they feel as they do, and to learn new ways of improving how they feel. The course is supported by a series of CBT self-help workbooks that can be used between the online sessions. They encourage the reader to put what they are learning into practice, and to stop, think and reflect on what is being learned. Online content is delivered through audio, text and video clips. Moderated discussion forums are available to help users swap ideas, information and provide mutual support. Users can choose to complete as many or as few of the modules as they wish. The course covers topics including:
(1) ‘Why do I feel so bad?’ - Understanding why we feel as we do.
(2) ‘I can’t be bothered doing anything’ - Understanding the impact of reduced activity.
(3) ‘Why does everything always go wrong?’ - Tackling negative thinking and turning these thoughts around to create more helpful ones.
(4) ‘I’m not good enough’ - Developing self-confidence and teaching confidence-building techniques.
(5) ‘How to fix almost everything’ - Introducing a problem solving approach to overcome challenges.
(6) ‘The things you do that mess you up’ - Addressing unhelpful behaviours that may be worsening mood.
(7) ‘Are you strong enough to keep your temper?’ - Recognising the things that casuse them to feel irritable or angry and better managing their anger.
(8) ‘10 things you can do to feel happier straight away’ - Teaching key lifestyle choices that can improve mood.
- Service URL:
- Agency Responsible:
- Jubilee Trust.
- Format:
- Website.
- Intervention Type:
- Psychological – CBT. and psychoeducation
- Course Length:
- Long (more than 5 modules). 8 sessions
- Support Option:
- Automated only. supporting e-mails
Target Audience
- Primary Category:
- Generalised anxiety disorder.
- Target Audience:
- Adult.
- Language:
- English.
- Fee:
- Free. Upgrading is available for £9.99/six months and £17.99/twelve months.
- Access:
- Open: With registration.
- Contact Details:
Research evidence
- Research Trials:
- 2
- Research RCTs:
- 2
- Outcome Summary:
The effectiveness of the face-to-face class-based program on anxiety was tested in a pilot study among 46 people (age: Mean = 43.7 SD = 13.0 35% male). No significant difference was found between the intervention group and the delayed access control group on the levels of anxiety measured by the GAD-7 in the three-month and six-month follow-up, although a significant difference from the baseline was found in the three-month follow-up (estimate = -6.24, p <0.001) and the six-month follow-up (estimate = -6.37, p <0.001) in the intervention group. In an RCT of 142 participants with comparison to wait-list, a significant between-group difference was found on levels of anxiety measured by the GAD-7 (p = 0.012) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (p = 0.017) in the six-month follow-up.
A study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial of evaluating the effectiveness of the online programme on depression and anxiety was reported in Trials in 2016. However, no trial data have been reported up to now.
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Research paper citations
Boyle, C., Lynch, L., Lyon, A., & Williams, C. (2011). The use and feasibility of a CBT intervention. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 16(3), 129-135.
McClay, C. A., Morrison, J., McConnachie, A., & Williams, C. (2013). A community-based group-guided self-help intervention for low mood and stress: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 14(1), 392.
McClay, C. A., Collins, K., Matthews, L., Haig, C., McConnachie, A., Morrison, J., ... & Williams, C. (2015). A community-based pilot randomised controlled study of life skills classes for individuals with low mood and depression. BMC psychiatry, 15(1), 17.
Williams, C., McClay, C. A., Martinez, R., Morrison, J., Haig, C., Jones, R., & Farrand, P. (2016). Online CBT life skills programme for low mood and anxiety: study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial. Trials, 17(1), 220.
Williams, C., McClay, C. A., Matthews, L., McConnachie, A., Haig, C., Walker, A., & Morrison, J. (2018). Community-based group guided self-help intervention for low mood and stress: randomised controlled trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 212(2), 88-95.
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Last Updated: May 21st 2018