GET.ON Mood Enhancer


The Mood Enhancer course is made up of 6 lessons delivered through text, video and audio files, each taking around 45 to 60 minutes to complete. Each lesson contains information, examples and interactive problem solving exercises. The course is designed to be completed at a rate of either one or two lessons per week, with the content of the lessons being implemented in the time in between and documented in an online diary. The course is based on systematic behavioural activation and problem solving. Subscription gives users 12 months access to the program. Three levels of professional support are offered; unsupervised, with coaching (answering questions on course content) or intensive coaching (detailed feedback after each lesson). 

Service URL:
Agency Responsible:
GET.ON Institute.


Intervention Type:
Psychological – CBT. and problem solving
Course Length:
Long (more than 5 modules). 6 lessons over 3 to 6 weeks
Support Option:
Clinical support. by a psychologist in the supervised versions of the course, a self-directed version is also available

Target Audience

Primary Category:
Target Audience:


Fee-based. Self-directed - 69 Euros, with coaching - 127 Euros, with intensive coaching - 299 Euros
Closed: Fee required.
Contact Details:

Research evidence

Research Trials:
Research RCTs:
Outcome Summary:

Two RCTs have been carried looking at t he effectiveness of GET.ON Mood Enhancer. The first RCT (1) was carried out looking at a group of N=406 self-selected participants with sub-threshold symptoms of depression. The intervention was tested against a control group receiving online psychoeducation in addition to usual care. The intervention group was also free to access care as ususal. The Mood Enhancer group had significantly greater reduction in depressive symptoms than controls at post-intervention and at 6 month follow-up with between groups effect sizes of d=0.69 and d=0.28 respectively. At 12 months the intervention group also had significantly less incidence of major depressive disorder (MDD) (27%) than controls (41%), suggesting that this program may be effective in preventing the onset of MDD in those with sub-threshold symptoms.

The second RCT (2) included a group of N=204 participants recruited through a large ghealth insurance provider in Germany, with subclinical depression. At post-intervention the treatment group saw significantly better improvements in depressive symptoms compared to a waitlist control group, with a medium effect size observed between the groups (d=0.37). This adds to the evidence in support of the efficacy of the Mood Enhancer program for the treatment of subthreshold depression in adults. 

Recommended rating, reviewer 1:

There is good evidence from well conducted studies that the site works.
Recommended rating, reviewer 2:

There is good evidence from well conducted studies that the site works.

Read more about Beacon's Smiley Rating System.

Research paper citations


(1) Buntrock, C., Ebert, D. D., Lehr, D., Smit, F., Riper, H., Berking, M., & Cuijpers, P. (2016). Effect of a web-based guided self-help intervention for prevention of major depression in adults with subthreshold depression: a randomized clinical trial. Jama, 315(17), 1854-1863.

(2) Ebert, D. D., Buntrock, C., Lehr, D., Smit, F., Riper, H., Baumeister, H., ... & Berking, M. (2017). Effectiveness of Web-and Mobile-Based Treatment of Subthreshold Depression With Adherence-Focused Guidance: A Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial. Behavior Therapy.

Additional evidence:

Buntrock, C., Berking, M., Smit, F., Lehr, D., Nobis, S., Riper, H., ... & Ebert, D. (2017). Preventing depression in adults with subthreshold depression: health-economic evaluation alongside a pragmatic randomized controlled trial of a web-based intervention. Journal of medical Internet research, 19(1).

Buntrock, C.*,Ebert, D.D.*, Lehr, D., Riper, H., Smit, F., & Berking, M. Cuijpers, P (2016). Effectiveness of a Web-Based Cognitive Behavioural Intervention for the Prevention of Depression: Pragmatic Randomised Controlled Trial. JAMA. 3;315(17):1854. * shared first authorship

Buntrock, C., Ebert, D., Lehr, D., Riper, H., Smit, F., Cuijpers, P., & Berking, M. (2015). Effectiveness of a web-based cognitive behavioural intervention for subthreshold depression: pragmatic randomised controlled trial. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 84(6), 348-358.

Buntrock, C., Ebert, D. D., Lehr, D., Cuijpers, P., Riper, H., Smit, F., & Berking, M. (2014). Evaluating the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of web-based indicated prevention of major depression: design of a randomised controlled trial. BMC psychiatry, 14(1), 25.

Ebert, D. D., Lehr, D., Baumeister, H., Boß, L., Riper, H., Cuijpers, P., ... & Berking, M. (2014). GET. ON Mood Enhancer: efficacy of Internet-based guided self-help compared to psychoeducation for depression: an investigator-blinded randomised controlled trial. Trials, 15(1), 39.

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Last Updated: June 19th 2018