
- Description:
This program provides personalised feedback and motivational tips to smokers based on their responses to questions about smoking behaviours, intent to quit, self efficacy, triggers for smoking and barriers to quitting, self change strategies and demographics. The site encourages users to return after a few weeks and complete the survey again to receive feedback on their progress. The program uses the Stages of Change model (Transtheoretical Model of Change) to personalise feedback according to participants readiness to change their behaviour. (8) The website also includes discussion forums from those who have quit or are trying to, blogs, personal stories and interactive tests.
- Service URL:
- Agency Responsible:
- University of Geneva Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine.
- Format:
- Website.
- Intervention Type:
- Other. Personalised feedback
- Course Length:
- Short (less than 1 module or equivalent).
- Support Option:
- No support.
Target Audience
- Primary Category:
- Smoking.
- Target Audience:
- Adult.
- Languages:
- English, French and Italian. Also in Danish and Chinese
- Fee:
- Free.
- Access:
- Open: No registration required.
- Contact Details:
Research evidence
- Research Trials:
- 4
- Research RCTs:
- 1
- Outcome Summary:
In a randomised controlled trial of Stop-Tabac in 2934 daily smokers, the program was shown to double quit-rates compared to a wait-list control. The 4 week abstinence rate in daily smokers at 7 month follow-up was increased by 2.6. Further, in smokers with a low motivation for change quit rates were also increased (2). The program has also been tested against a modified version that provides less information on health risks and coping strategies and more on nicotine replacement therapy. Participants in the contemplation stage of quitting had higher quit rates in the original program (OR=1.54, p=0.002) but no differences were seen between those in the pre-contemplation or preparation stages of change. The original program produced 1 person who quit smoking for every 26 participants (1). Providing personalised but untailored feedback has also been shown to be as efficacious as computer-tailored reports (3), while a study of program users has shown that 19.6% of 18 361 visitors returned to use the site again (4). Therefore, there is some positive evidence that Stop-Tabac is effective.
- Recommended rating, reviewer 1:
- Recommended rating, reviewer 2:
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Research paper citations
Efficacy studies
- Etter, J. F. (2005). Comparing the Efficacy of Two Internet-Based, Computer-Tailored Smoking Cessation Programs: A Randomized Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 7, 2. (2)
- Etter JF, Perneger TV. Effectiveness of a computer-tailored smoking cessation program: a randomized trial. Arch Intern Med. 2001 Nov 26;161(21):2596-601.
- Etter JF. Comparing computer-tailored, internet-based smoking cessation counseling reports with generic, untailored reports: a randomized trial. J Health Commun. 2009 Oct-Nov;14(7):646-57.
Additional references
- Wang, J and Etter, J. (2004). Administering an effective health intervention for smoking cessation online: the international users of Stop-Tabac. Preventive Medicine, 39, 962– 968.
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Last Updated: October 21st 2010