Smoking Services

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About the Smiley Rating
  1. Service rating: There is some evidence that the site works. One or two good studies support its use.


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    This program provides personalised feedback and motivational tips to smokers based on their responses to questions about smoking behaviours, intent to quit, self efficacy, triggers for smoking and barriers to quitting, self change strategies and demographics. (English, French and Italian)

  2. Service rating: There is evidence that the site might work. More conclusive studies are needed.

    The QuitCoach

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    The QuitCoach is a tailored program that delivers smoking cesssation advice based on principles of cognitive-behavioural therapy. (English)

  3. Service rating: There is evidence that the site might work. More conclusive studies are needed.


    Service screenshot offers a wide range of information and planning tools to aid quit attempts. It provides links to supporting apps, live contact with professional support via text message or internet chat, articles about common challenges when quitting, quizzes and a tool allowing users to set a quit date and build a quit plan. (English and Spanish)

  4. Service rating: There is evidence that the site might work. More conclusive studies are needed.

    San Francisco Stop Smoking Site

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    The San Francisco Stop Smoking Site is for smokers who are ready to quit - comprising of an eight-lesson cognitive-behavioural course, automated support emails with links relevant to a user's stage of quitting, and an online forum. (English and Spanish)

  5. Service rating: There is evidence that the site might work. More conclusive studies are needed.


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    QuitNet is a commercial site providing a range of tools to assist with smoking cessation. The site offers 1) advice about quitting smoking; 2) assistance in setting a quit date; 3) specialised assessment of motivation and nicotine dependence; 4) information tailored to each user based on smoking history, motivational readiness, and demographic characteristics; 5) practical counselling including problem solving and skills training designed to enhance self-efficacy; 6) tailored assistance in selecting and using smoking cessation pharmacotherapies; and 7) social support. (English and Spanish)

  6. Service rating: There is evidence that the site might work. More conclusive studies are needed.

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    The ChewFree program is largely based on Social Cognitive Theory, in which individuals are viewed as proactive agents who can exercise motivational and self-regulatory skills to change their health habits. (English)

  7. Service rating: There is no evidence at the moment.

    Uquit (Netherlands)

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    The uQuit program is targeted at adolescents who are thinking about quitting smoking, or those who are within 2 weeks of having quit. (Dutch)

  8. Service rating: There is no evidence at the moment.


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    QUITPLAN is a free, professional online counselling service to help you quit smoking (available to those who live or work in Minnesota, USA). (English)

  9. Service rating: There is no evidence at the moment.


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    BecomeAnEX is a Web-based smoking cessation educational program funded by the Truth Initiative. It was developed in accordance with the Clinical Practice Guidelines for Treating Tobacoo Use and Dependence. (English)

  10. Service rating: There is no evidence at the moment.


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    The QuitTxt program sends text messages to support quit attempts. It is available on the QuitCoach website and can be used in combination with the QuitCoach program. (English)