Alcohol Services

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  1. Service rating: Sign up!

    Check Your Drinking

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    Check Your Drinking is a brief online assessment of alcohol use. Users answer a series of questions to collect basic demographic data and information on alcohol consumption, drinking behaviour, and alcohol-related consequences. (English, French and Spanish)

  2. Service rating: There is good evidence from well conducted studies that the site works.

    THRIVE (Tertiary Health Research Intervention Via Email)

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    The THRIVE program is an online assessment tool that delivers immediate and personalised feedback on drinking behaviour, risks and strategies for reducing consumption, and information on available support services. (English)

  3. Service rating: There is good evidence from well conducted studies that the site works.


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    Unitcheck involves a brief assessment of alcohol consumption, consequences from drinking, comparison to significant others, demographic information and attitudes towards drinking. (English)

  4. Service rating: There is some evidence that the site works. One or two good studies support its use.


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    Users are provided with normative feedback in a number of areas.  Firstly, age-based normative feedback is given, indicating the percentage of people of the same age drinking at the same level, both for weekly consumption and binge drinking frequency. (French and German)

  5. Service rating: There is some evidence that the site works. One or two good studies support its use.


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    "Balance" is an online alcohol intervention hosted by the Norwegian Centre for Addiction Research, University of Oslo, Norway. (Norwegian)

  6. Service rating: There is some evidence that the site works. One or two good studies support its use.

    Moderate Drinking

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    The Moderate Drinking program is intended to help heavy drinkers to moderate their drinking behaviours using behavioural and cognitive behavioural techniques. (English)

  7. Service rating: There is some evidence that the site works. One or two good studies support its use.

    Drinker's Check-Up (USA)

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    The site uses the AUDIT screening questionnaire to identify problem drinkers (score 8+). The intervention has 3 modules – Assessment, Feedback and Decision Making. (English)

  8. Service rating: There is some evidence that the site works. One or two good studies support its use.

    Jellinek alcohol self-help course

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    The Jellinek alcohol self-help course is a fully automated, self-guided treatment program based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and motivational interviewing (MI). (Dutch and English)

  9. Service rating: There is some evidence that the site works. One or two good studies support its use.

    Vet Change

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    Vet Change is an 8-module, web-based, cognitive-behavioural intervention designed for US Veterans who are experiencing post-deployment drinking. (English)

  10. Service rating: There is some evidence that the site works. One or two good studies support its use.

    Service screenshot is a brief online intervention targeted at adults who consume alcohol regularly or excessively. (Dutch)

  11. Service rating: There is evidence that the site might work. More conclusive studies are needed.


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    N-Squad is an online game designed for 11-14 year olds to improve their knowledge about the consequences of alcohol consumption. (English)

  12. Service rating: There is evidence that the site might work. More conclusive studies are needed.


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    eScreen is a brief, in-depth self-screening tool for alcohol and drug use. The tool tests for alcohol and drug habits and tracks habits over time. (Swedish)

  13. Service rating: There is evidence that the site might work. More conclusive studies are needed. (Drinking Less)

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    MinderDrinken is an interactive Dutch self-help intervention for problem drinkers, based on cognitive-behavioural and self-control principles. (Dutch)

  14. Service rating: There is evidence that the site might work. More conclusive studies are needed.

    Alcohol Help Center

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    Alcohol Help Center uses cognitive behavioural exercises to help participants to track their drinking practices, learn about its health risks, their triggers and aims to teach you how to set goals and learn useful techniques to cut down and plan for high risk situations. (English)

  15. Service rating: There is evidence that the site might work. More conclusive studies are needed.

    Down Your Drink

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    Down Your Drink is an interactive website designed to help you assess if you are drinking too much, and to learn how to manage your drinking and adopt a healthier pattern of alcohol use. (English)

  16. Service rating: There is evidence that the site might work. More conclusive studies are needed.


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    Alkoholhjalpen is a Swedish-language site that focuses on problem-drinking based on  Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Motivational Interviewing and using a solution-oriented focus. (Swedish)

  17. Service rating: There is no evidence at the moment.

    Parenting Strategies

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    The Parenting Strategies site is designed to encourage parents to adopt parenting practices thought to help prevent alcohol misuse among their adolescent offspring. (English)

  18. Service rating: There is no evidence at the moment.

    OnTrack Alcohol

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    The OnTrack Alcohol program is targeted at people who are experiencing problems with alcohol and is designed to help you cut back on your drinking and focuses on practical things that you can do to make things better. (English)

  19. Service rating: There is no evidence at the moment.

    Counselling Online

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    Counselling Online is a free service delivering online text-based counselling to alcohol and other drug (AOD) users, and others affected by alcohol and drug use in the community, including family members, relatives and friends. (English)

  20. Service rating: There is no evidence at the moment.

    Service screenshot is a free self screening tool to assess your alcohol consumption and its consequences. (English)

  21. Service rating: There is no evidence at the moment.

    Take Care of You

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    Take Care of You provides 8 modules addressing problematic alcohol use using the principles of CBT and motivational interviewing. (German)